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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sunday Thought

Charles Spurgeon tells the story of how George Whitefield, the great 18th century evangelist, was hounded by a group of detractors who called themselves the "Hell Fire Club". When Whitefield would

stand outside preaching, this little group of young men would stand off to one side and mimc him. They did not believe a word of it. The ring-leader was a man called Thorpe. One day, Thorpe was mimicking Whitefield to his cronies, delivering his sermon with brilliant accuracy, perfectly imitating his tone and facial expressions, when he himself was so pierced that he sat down and was converted on the spot.

Whitefield was a mighty preacher used of God on the Great Awakening. It is said his voice boomed enough to hold 20,000 people's attention in the open air. A story exists of a conversion three miles from where he was standing. Among other notables, Ben Franklin heard him preach and said he "had his pockets picked by Whitefield," though no record exits of a further response.

Reportedly, he could say the word "Mesopotamia" in such a way as to melt audiences and that word made its way into most sermons, regardless of topic. Before amplification, it is amazing God gave him the voice and body to project to such numbers and with such effect.

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