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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Strange Event

Well, it would normally be very good to know a large contingent of enemy planes was closing quickly on the most  important Naval base in the Pacific. But factors mitigated against such knowledge. We did have a new RADAR station operating on the morning of 7 December. But....in 1941, RADAR technology was new and not yet understood for the powerful tool it is. Additionally, a flight of B-17's was due in from San Francisco that morning. So when the RADAR reflected the incoming planes, they were thought to be those B-17s. This combination of factors eliminated the U.S. advantage. The following timeline briefly shows the course of unfolding events.  

0702 - Privates Lockhard and Elliott of Opana Radar Station pick up what appears to be a flight of unidentified aircraft bearing in 132 miles north of Oahu. Discussion follows
0710 - Elliott phones the information in to Fort Shafter. The only person present at the Information Center is Lt. Tyler, having begun his on-the-job training Dec. 3. The conversation lasts ten minutes. 
0720 - Lt. Tyler feels certain that the unidentified planes are B-17s scheduled to arrive from the mainland and instructs Opana station to shut down. Privates Elliott and Lockhard, however, continue to plot the incoming flight.

The rest is, well, history.

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